is not with reluctance but with a serious level of shame that I have a
confession to make. During Barak Obamas
8-year tenure in the White House I could count the times I prayed for him on
one hand if I ever prayed for him at all.
Mr. Obama believes the things he says, or not, only he knows.
Mr. Obama’s motives are altruistic or intentionally sinister, I believe only
God knows.
and I believe that there’s evidence as far as the eye can see, I would argue
that he’s a member of a cabal committed to the destruction of the United States
as a major part of an effort to institute a one world government run by
self-appointed elitists who’ve already shown themselves to be murderers and
Hell is a very hot
place, it is an understatement to say that those destined to reside there
reside there for a very long time, and I shouldn’t wish it on anybody which is
perhaps why Paul said to Timothy…
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf
of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a
tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to
the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-3
In fact, it
is the very reason why Paul inserted the words “…who desires all men to be
saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” He also implied that there are consequences
for not praying for “kings and all who are in authority”. The implication is that if we fail to pray
for them we will NOT lead tranquil and quiet lives!
And so, for
8 years I conducted a wrestling match with the Holy Spirit…
Me: “But he
promised shovel-ready jobs and he knew there were none.”
God: “My
Word is a lamp unto thy feet and a light unto thy path. Oh, by the way… 1 Tim.
Me: “But
God… Look what he did with Fast & Furious, smuggling guns into Mexico, resulting
in the death of Brian Terry and he lied about Benghazzi, promoted anarchy,
sexual immorality and contempt for police.”
God: “I have
ordained My precepts so that you might keep them diligently. Oh by the way… 1
Tim. 2:1. That’s one of them”.
Me: “But
God… his foreign policy has resulted in the deaths and rapes of hundreds of
thousands of Christians and Yazids throughout the middle East and North Africa
and I have prayed for these people and supported causes to rescue and shelter
“Have you not read ‘Many
will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name,
and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your Name perform many miracles?’ And then I will
declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ Oh by the way… 1 Tim. 2:1”
Do you get
the picture? In one very teeny but
important manner, let alone many others I’m sure, I have refused to heed the
Word of the God who is the judge of the whole earth. I can rail against Mr. Obamas policies. I can be angry at him and I’m allowed to be
angry, but as the text says… “be angry but sin not”. And how am I sinning? I sin
and have sinned by being so angry with the man that I subconsciously attempt to
usurp Gods place as his judge and refuse to pray for the mans’ repentance and
salvation. To be honest, I am caught up
in my own self-righteousness. And I did
not come to trust in Jesus because I was so smart or so talented or such a
fantastically good person. I came to trust
in Jesus because I knew that I was a sinner and I needed His atonement for my salvation
before a holy and just God.
the mighty King… the ruler of the universe… the one who holds the key to death
and hades in His hands, because His Word is unquestionably true, wins the
wrestling match. “You’ve not prayed for
kings and all in authority? I will send
you civil war so that you will not have a tranquil and quiet life in all
godliness and dignity”.
I assure you, rumblings of civil war are on the horizon. The future of the United States from one
threat or another seems ominous.
will make a pledge to you. Yes, I will
continue to hate and oppose the agenda of Mr. Obama and his cabal, but I will
begin praying for the man and his salvation in the hopes that he might repent
and seek the will of God. Yes… his
repentance seems, to me, unlikely, but I’m still commanded to pray for him
knowing that God does hear prayer and knowing that God, “not willing for any to
perish but for all to come to the knowledge of the truth”, will honor those
prayers one way or another.
I also ask a difficult
thing of you. If you are an “anti-Trump” kind of guy or gal, you may believe
that you have every reason to hate the man and even his policies, but I beg of
you to begin praying for him, for wisdom and repentance so that he seeks God’s
will and desires His salvation more than anything else. Just maybe God will be
gracious and we can avert a civil war. But I dare say… God’s Word is sure and
true and sharper than a two-edged sword. Yes, providence is providence, and
God’s will will be carried out regardless of what we necessarily want, but
failure to play our respective roles not as I, but the Apostle Paul himself,
has outlined, and pray for our leaders will only result in disaster.
by the way, I’ll also be praying for Bill and Hillary.
you for “lending me your ears”.