Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Fact that You're Reading This is Evidence Enough to Explain the Miracles of the Bible

Quite often, I'm asked...

"Do you really believe that this guy, Jonah, was three days in the belly of a whale and then got coughed up and made alive again?"


"Do you really expect me to believe that Noah could fit all of those animals on an ark?

My answer is, more often than not,  "You know, you're really not much more than $2.00 worth of chemicals.  You're just a combination of Carbon and Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Oxygen, with a little bit of Iron, Potassium and a few other elements like Zinc and Strontium thrown in there.  By all accounts, you should be just an inanimate mass laying on the ground waiting to be blown away by the wind.  But since you had the intelligence to ask me that question, you must be more than just an inanimate mass.  In fact, I would argue that you're a miracle!"

If, as this video shows, the structures that are found in every cell of the body are so beautiful and complex, why is it that such an amalgam of structures can exhibit life at one moment and the same structure fail to exhibit life in another moment (which we commonly call death)?

I suppose that we can attribute the workings of the single cell to laws of chemistry and physics, but in the end, when all is said and done, King David had it right when he said: "I am wonderfully and fearfully made". (Ps. 139:14)

And if, in fact, there is a God who designed not only the intricacies of a cell but the amazing variety of life forms that we know of as well as YOU, my reader, and gave life to $2.00 worth of chemicals, than He can most certainly restore life to a man who'd been in the belly of a fish for 72 hours, or find a way to fit two specimens of every "kind" of animal that exists into a boat of exactly specified dimensions..

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