Sunday, July 1, 2018

If You Want to “Make America Great Again” You Need Repentance and Jesus

 (I Like Donald Trump But)

I like Donald Trump.

I like it that jobs are coming back to America so that people no longer live off of handouts but can earn a living and, by doing so, have some dignity.

I like it that he’s cutting back on unnecessary regulations so that small business owners can run their businesses and not spend all of their time filling out paperwork.

I like it that he wants a strong military because a strong military means that you’re less likely to have to use it.

I like it that he, at least temporarily (and hopefully permanently) averted a nuclear showdown with North Korea.  I pray that this might lead to the freeing of the people of North Korea from slavery to a dictator.

I like it that he affirmed Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel, a fact substantiated by myriad Biblical and archaeological evidence.

I like it that he wants to control who comes into the United States so that no harm can happen to her citizens.

I like many things about Donald Trump


I don’t like his apparent arrogance and bombast, and I’m alarmed by his tendency to attack people personally (‘though I, myself, have been overly reluctant to excuse it) and perhaps you don’t like some of the policies mentioned above which I like.  That’s OK.  I understand why you might have genuine areas of concern and even fear.


It takes far more than jobs, a great economy, a strong military and secure borders to Make America Great Again (M.A.G.A or M.A.G. if you’re of the opinion that America was never great).  It takes people, who in spite of their differences in ethnicity, gender and even opinions, living together harmoniously regardless of their politics.

Jesus said:
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
(Matthew 5:22)

Translation?  Don’t marginalize people and don’t classify them!  People may have a liberal-leaning or a conservative-leaning.  They may vary in gender or ethnicity.  On issues, they may have their reasons for what they think, and they may feel passionate about them.  In that case, agree to disagree and walk away.  But never think of them as anything less than human.  Jesus never did. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Civility is hurting and I am as guilty as anyone or more so. Thank you for the perspective.